Ziarah ke Museum of Innocence

Kemal menemukan kebahagian mencintai seorang Füsun dengan segenap warna dan misteri.

Saat itu ibuku menangis

Buat kakakku Hermanto Junaidi yang sedang damai bersemayam di bawah pohon ketapang, tempat aku selalu menjengukmu, saat pulang, atau saat pergi sekalipun.

Indeks Perdamaian Kota Itu Perlu

By measuring the state of peace, we can further our understanding of the social, political and economic factors that help develop more peaceful environments

Tentang Ingatan dan Ideologi

The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting” — Milan Kundera (The Book of Laughter and Forgetting).

A Journey: from Border to Border

Midyat is one of a must visited historical places in Mardin beside Old Mardin. Overall this city is cited as paths of the early civilizations named Mesopotamia or far before it—if we talked about Christianity and Jews history as well for its strategic location with rocky hill and plain near the Tigris River.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kamu atau Negerimu yang Menjijikan?

taken from this link
Semalam, Rabu 31 Oktober, saya dapat kupon gratis nonton di XXI. Karena bolehnya cuma nonton film non-3D ya sudah saya ambil film seadanya, khususnya yang bermerk action, crime, dan thriller gitu. Biar seru aja (begitulah kalau tidak ada film yang diniatin). Sampailah pilihan sama film Alex Cross. Saya tidak tahu apakah film ini masuk box office atau ga. Dan saya pun cuma tahu sedikit saja tentang fiml ini dari sinopsisnya.

Letter of Reference ~ CRB

Personal Reference – Bernando J. Sujibto

To Whom It May Concern,

I was fortunate to meet with Bernando J.Sujibto in 2011 when he came to Australia for the Indonesian Muslim Exchange Program run through Melbourne University. At that time I was supervisor for the Melbourne program.

Bernando was always ready to be involved in any discussions involving peace issues and the ways in which it could be possible to ensure that greater attention was focused on the issue of peace for the whole world. He has an open, highly enthusiastic and passionate approach to ideas for the development of peace in our world. He has a maturity beyond his years in the way he is not only happy to discuss his ideas for Peace building but also to listen attentively and respectfully to the ideas of others. This was highlighted during his time in Australia when he met with a number of interfaith groups and his passionate involvement with Peace development came through in the discussions which took place.

Even though I knew Bernando for a short time only, we have continued to maintain a correspondence and I am aware of his ongoing activities in the development of peace building activities within his own community. I am confident in saying that he is an outstanding young man who, I have no doubt, will have a major impact on the future of our world in his role as an advocate for peace and mutual understanding. He is intelligent, tireless and highly motivated and I couldn’t be happier to recommend him for the Program for Human Resource Development in Asia for Peace Building. This is a young man who will utilise whatever skills he is able to obtain from a program and put it to solid practical effect in the daily life of his community and the wider world.

He is an excellent candidate and I am honoured to be his referee.



Sunday, October 28, 2012

Satu Bulan untuk Dua Sahabat

A deep condolence to you, Supriadi!

Bulan Oktober mencatat dua nama sahabat saya pada kalander dukacita. Pertama Saudara Taufiq, teman waktu di Pesantren Annuqayah dan lalu di Komunitas Kutub Jogja; kedua teman kelas saya bernama Supriadi, teman di lembaga pesantren yang sama. Mereka pergi di bulan Oktober--Taufiq tanggal 13 dan Supriadi di angka 28 pada kalender Oktober, tepat pada momentum Sumpah Pemuda.