Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Pengalaman bersama PlayPlus Indonesia


Saya menulis catatan ini semata-mata sebagai catatan pribadi dan juga untuk jawaban dari beberapa teman yang bertanya seputar proyek PlayPlus yang sudah berlangsung sejak bulan Agustus 2013 hingga Januari 2014. Tulisan ini jelas versi saya—bukan mewakili tim—yang sudah menjalankan dan menyukseskan proyek ini. Karena teman-teman perlu tahu bahwa saya tidak ikut melaksanakan proyek di lapangan (karena saya memilih kuliah master dan meninggalkan teman-teman tim tanggal 19 September 2013). Saya hanya menjadi project leader di awal-kegiatan yang memperjuangkan proyek ini menang dan terpilih oleh Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs - International Exchange Alumni tahun 2013. Proyek ini sifatnya kompetisi yang dipanel langsung oleh juri-juri di Amerika. Saya juga punya testimony

Saya semakin bulat untuk menuliskan hal ihwal PlayPlus ketika saya mendapatkan kabar dari beberapa teman bahwa website PlayPlus tidak bisa dibuka alias eror. Ternyata website PlayPlus “kena heker,” kata tim yang bertugas mengurus website. Karena keterbatasan tenaga juga akhirnya PlayPlus tidak menggunakan website yang sudah dibeli untuk menyebarkan kegiatan dan informasi-informasi penting seputar proyek PlayPlus. Tim banyak menggunakan media sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter, meskipun itu jelas akan terbatas jika yang dibutuhkan adalah deskripsi utuh atau penjelasan panjang lebar soal PlayPlus.

Proyek PlayPlus adalah murni proyek bersama (tim work) yang diniatkan untuk kompetisi Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF) 2013. Kompetisi ini dibuka umum kepada semua alumni pendidikan Amerika di seantero dunia. Proposal yang masuk sekitar 800 lebih. Lalu disortir menjadi sekitar 114-an. Proposal berjumlah sekitar 114-an ini kemudian dipanel oleh juri dan diambil pemenangnya—berjumlah sekitar 50-an proposal—untuk mendapatkan grant maksimal sebesar $250. Dari Indonesia yang resmi dipublikasikan sebagai proyek terpilih hanya dua, yaitu PlayPlus (dari Alumni IELSP) dan Pilgrimade Religious (dari Alumni IYLP). Dan ada satu lagi proyek dari alumni di Indonesia yang tahun sebelumnya menang grant dan masih dipercaya oleh Amerika untuk melanjutkan kegiatannya.

Dalam catatan ini saya banyak mengandalkan ingatan dalam menuliskan data-data yang tidak tersimpan di file, misalnya soal jumlah proposal di atas. Sebenarnya kalau mau dicek lagi ke Website Alumni State, tempat/pusat semua alumni berinteraksi, data-data tersebut masih ada. Tapi sejujurnya saya agak malas karena banyak tugas studi yang lebih penting saya pikirkan daripada sekedar data-data. Tapi jangan khawatir, di komputer saya masih sangat rapi tersimpan satu folder tentang PlayPlus, khususnya ketika di tahap persiapan.

Catatan penting adalah ada beberapa istilah yang diganti dalam perkembangannya. Misalnya Real-Time Movement menjadi Hari Bermain Anak. Esensinya sama tapi hanya penyelarasan yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan di lapangan.




Nama Kegiatan        PlayPlus Indonesia
Tagline                      Rights to Play Rights to Educate
Tema                         Menggali Niali-Nilai Edukatif Permainan Anak Tradisional Indonesia
Waktu                       Oktober 2013 – Januari 2014

 Goals & Objective     

~ To promote education through traditional children's games;
~ To preserve traditional children’s games as Indonesian heritages;
To expand the values of education through a fun learning;
To produce module and tutorial video consisting Indonesian traditional children's games and to analyze the educational values and philosophy contain in each game;
To propose “National Day of Indonesian Traditional Children's Games” to the government of Indonesian Republic;
To be registered in Indonesian World Museum Record (MURI) as the biggest children event across Indonesia through “real-time movement”.

 Project areas

~  Aceh (in Aceh)
~  Kalimantan (in Banjarmasin).
~  Sulawesi (in Parepare)
~  Maluku
~  NTT (in Lombok)
~  Java (in Yogyakarta).

 Target Peserta

~  Volunteer and partner recruited in each project area;
~  Education institute and school community;
~  Organization and community which concern on children issues;
~  Children.


~  IAA (IELSP Alumni Association)
~  Local Government.
~  Community concerning on child and traditional children’s games in each area of Indonesia.
~  Educational institution.
~  Ethnic community.

“Rights to Play Rights to Educate”


INDONESIA’S population is expected to reach 243.8 million people and about 33.9 percent of who are children aged 0-17 years old. This data shows that investing in children means investing over a third of Indonesia’s population. Children are group of young people who have the potential to be developed in order to actively participate in future development. They are a group that needs to be prepared for the state and nation’s continuity in the future (Profil Anak Indonesia, 2012).

Ironically, Komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak or Komnas PA (National Commission for Child Protection Indonesia), stated that the year of 2012 is referred to as “doomsday” year for Indonesian children. “No exaggeration to say that the year of 2012 called as a "doomsday" for the children of Indonesia. End of year data of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) showed a troubling statistics. A total of 10,105,230 Indonesian children are victims of violations of the specific protections. The figures are grouped in 10 clusters, namely violence, children in conflict with the law, drugs, cigarettes, baby dumping including abandonment and abduction, child trafficking, pornography and sex addict, child victims of suicide, early marriage and child labor." (Kompas, 12/22/2012).

Various cases and threats are hunting Indonesian children right now. Other than those threats, children are threat with online game and play station that took over children’s playground and play time. Child’s world of play is significantly replaced by online games, play station, television and other gadgets that force them to live and get along with it. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Malaysia’s Child Act 2001, children is anyone under the age of 18, who, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth.

During the child development stages, internet, in particular, through video games online would exclude him/her socially. A painstaking research was addressed for this topic, published in the Journal of Pediatrics—conducted by Seattle Children’s Research Institute (2011), Iowa State University (2010), and Stanford University School of Medicine (2009)—found that children who spent much time playing video game will have negative effect on their development such as (1) social interaction problem, due to spending much time to play and interact with machine (not human); (2) communicative problem; (3) empathic decrease, due to exposure to violent video games increases aggressive behavior, emotional & physiological arousal, and decreases helping behavior (Guo er al, 2007); (4) motor skills disorder; and (5) health disorder (http://www.seattlechildrens. org/).

Therefore, a bunch of the traditional children's games with more than a hundred in each area across Indonesia will be an alternative way of spreading new perspective in building character for children. With the facts and cases above, as a generation who still concern with the future ahead for our younger generation, a valuable contribution by standing up for child’s rights to play, revive child’s world, especially through playing the traditional games is needed. An article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes the significance of play in the lives of children, acknowledging play as a specific right, in addition to and distinct from the child’s right to recreation and leisure (http://www.ipaworld.org/ipa_article31.html). Through games, children can communicate and actively interact with their surrounding and peers. In addition to broaden the values of the games, child’s emotional aspects will improve along with the exploration of the games which lead him/her to move on with another child.


~  To promote education through traditional children's games;
~  To preserve traditional children’s games as Indonesian heritages;
~  To expand the values of education through a fun learning;
~  To produce module and tutorial video consisting Indonesian traditional children's games and to analyze the educational values and philosophy contain in each game;
~  To propose “National Day of Indonesian Traditional Children's Games” to the government of Indonesian Republic;
~  To be registered in Indonesian World Museum Record (MURI) as the biggest children event across Indonesia through “real-time movement”.


~  Children especially in Elementary School who are actively involved in playing the traditional games and socially active interacted with their peers;
~  Parents;
~  Local communities who concern on children's issues, also skilled and trained in understanding the educational values of traditional games;
~  Educational institutes (school, Islamic boarding school and universities) that are introduced to traditional children's games as one of fun learning processes;
~  Tribal communities which are promoted to preserve the traditional games;
~  Local governments;
~  Libraries and other local communities who will receive book and video of traditional children's games.
 Volunteer and partner recruited in each project area;
~  Education institute and school community;
~  Organization and community which concern on children issues;
~  Children.


~  Skilled and trained young people who will train younger generation with traditional games from across Indonesia;
~  Ardent understanding of traditional children's games' educational and psychological values;
~  Expanded perspectives on how important traditional games to be add in educational level are to their emotional development;
~  Increased people (especially children) awareness in promoting and practicing traditional children's games in daily activities;
~  A national movement by generating "Real-Time Movement" to propose "National Day of Indonesian Traditional Children Games";
~  Published an encyclopedia of Indonesia traditional children's games and release a tutorial video.


To measure the success of the program, we will apply several methods. Firstly, team and volunteers from each area will be trained through workshop and training of trainer (ToT) with number of professionals and expert speakers on education and psychology of child. Preparing research for encyclopedia book. Team and volunteers will be prepared to build networking and partnership with local communities and educational institutes. Through partnership, team and volunteers will invite children to play outdoor, and practice the traditional games. Next, team and volunteers will carry out road show in each area of Indonesia to persuade stakeholders to support this movement in order to maximize the participation in the national real-time movement. Lastly, all of the process will be recorded into video teaser and is promoted in mass media and social media to campaign the national real-time movement and it will be registered in Museum Indonesian World Museum Record (MURI).


> Pre-program
(1). IELSP alumni will be the first touches to announce this program through printed/digital social media (blog, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, website, etc) to their personal media (cell phone, mailing list, etc), including IELSP Alumni Association;
(2). Prior to the program start, printed media (brochures and flyers) will be spread across Indonesia;
(3). Permanent program's social media will promote the program endlessly, this includes the use of hashtag #RealTimeMovement and #PlayPlusIndonesia;

Implementation timeline

1.Research for encyclopedia book.
2.Shooting video teaser.
3.Internal team member capacity building.
4.Volunteers recruitment.
5.Contacting partners personal and communities concerning on traditional games.
6.Campaign through social media for national real-time movement
7.Monthly Evaluation
1. Outlining book and start to writing book.
2. Video teaser fixed.
3. Volunteers fixed.
4. Partners, personals, and community fixed.
5. Launching project: release posters, flayers, and social media and T-shirt.
6. Proposal for Indonesian World Museum Record (MURI) and Indonesia government to propose the momentum of “traditional games real-time movement” as "National Day of Indonesian Traditional Children Games".
7. Campaign through social media for national real-time movement
8. Monthly Evaluation

1. Book process (interviews with experts to absorb the educational values of the games).
2. Workshop
3. Roadshow (optional for each area).
4. Recording for games video tutorial.
5. Campaign through social media for national real-time movement
6. Monthly Evaluation.

1. Editing book and publication preparation.
2. Editing video
3. Rehearsing and practicing the traditional games with children in each area.
4. Campaign through social media for national real-time movement
5. Monthly Evaluation
1.   Preparation for real time (campaign).
2.   Launch module and video of traditional games.
3.   Real time movement and competition.
4.   Campaign through social media for national real-time movement
5.   Monthly Evaluation

> Project areas
Aceh (held in Aceh)
Kalimantan (held in Banjarmasin).
Sulawesi (held in Pare-Pare).
Eastern Indonesia (held in Maluku).
NTT (held in Lombok).
Jawa (held in Yogyakarta).

Yogyakarta, July 30, 2013


(Proposal berikut ini yang termuat dalam situs State Alumni) 

Project Profile

Learning process through traditional games for children, finding out their educational aspects, then integrating them into video, modules, and books as encyclopedia of indonesian traditional children’s games.


Expanded Access to Education


Project Impact
Goals:1. To promote education through traditional children's games. 2. To preserve traditional children games as Indonesian heritage. 3. To expand the value of education by making fun learning. 4. To produce module and tutorial video consisting with Indonesian traditional children's games and to analyze the educational values and philosophy contains in each game. 5. To propose “National Day of Indonesian Traditional Children's Games” to the Indonesian government. 6. To be registered in Indonesia Museum Record (MURI) as the biggest children event across Indonesia through real-time movement. 7.To establish “Indonesian Traditional Children's Games Community” and preserve the tradition across Indonesia.
 Beneficiaries:- Children especially in Elementary School who actively get involved in playing the traditional games and socially-in-outdoor interacted with their peers. - Parents. - Local communities which concern on children's issues and will get skilled and trained in understanding the educational values of the traditional games. - Educational institutes (School, Madrasah, Pesantren) to be introduced with the traditional children's games as one of learning process. – Ethnic communities which are promoted to preserve the traditional games. - Local governments - Universities. - Libraries and other local communities will get a book and video of traditional children games.

Results: The expected results of the entire program are the following: - Skilled and practiced young people to train children with their traditional games from each area of Indonesia. - An ardent understanding of the educational values of the traditional children's games. - An expanded perspective on education to add the traditional games as the urgent aspects of child's emotional development. - An increased awareness to promote and practice the traditional children's games in daily activities. - An national movement of by generating "Real-Time Movement" to propose "National Day of Indonesian Traditional Children Games". - Continued participation and network of over 600 alumni and professionals from around Indonesia.

Metrics: To measure success of the program we will apply some methods. First, training team and volunteers from each area through workshop and TOT with the number of professional and expert speakers on education and psychology of child; second, after workshop and TOT the team and volunteers will be sent back into each area to bridge networking and partnership with local communities and educational institutes; third, after having a partnership with them in many times during the process team and volunteers will invite children to play outdoor in their playing-time with traditional games; forth, team and volunteers will carry out road show in each area to persuade stakeholders to support this movement in order to maximize the participants of the real-time movement; and fifth, the process will be recorded into video teaser and is bombarded in mass media and social media to campaign national real-time movement and it will be registered in Museum Record of Indonesian.

Promotion:1. IELSP alumni will be the first touches to announce this program through media and all the available local channels, both in social (Blog, Youtube, FB, Twitter, etc) and personal media (HP, Email) with support of IELSP Association Alumni. 2. Before the program is started, we will publish brochures and flayers and spread them into each area in Indonesia. 3. Permanent social media of the program will endlessly campaign the program especially in Internet with a hushtag #realtimemovement. 4. To prepare the real-time movement, we will collaborate with local and national mass media such as TV, newspaper and magazine to publish this real-time movement nationally.

Local Partners

SUMATERA: IELSP Association Alumni (IAA Regional 1), Communities: (Sahabat Pulau, Perlemen Anak). Universities: (Uni Syah Kuala, Uni Riau). Institution: Yayasan KKSP (NGO). JAKARTA-JAVA: IAA Regional II. Communities: (Sanggar Anak Alam, Kolong Tangga, Komunitas HONG, Tlatah Bocah, Coin a Change) Universities: (Uni Indonesia, Uni Pendidikan Indonesia, UGM) Government: (Department of Education, National Commission for Child Protection Indonesia) Institutions: (@america, American Corner Yogyakarta, American Corner Surabaya). KALIMANTAN IAA Regional IV. Communities: (Indonesia Mengajar, Sahabat Pulau), Universities: (Uni Palangkaraya, Uni Balikpapan, Uni Tanjungpura) Institution: Dayakologi Institute. BALI-NTT-PAPUA-MALUKU (IAA Regional VI-VII) Communities: (Anak Alam) Universities: (Uni Udayan, Uni Mataram, Uni Nusa Cendana Kupang) Government: Department of education, Institution: (Ponpes Nurul Hakim, Lemasa [Papua]).

Proposed Project Dates: August 01, 2013 - July 31, 2014

Steps to Implement

Phase I 1 month (August 2013): Research and Networking to all partners across Indonesia; Phase II 3 months (September-November 2013): Volunteers recruitment, Training of trainers, Workshop 1, Video teaser recording, Maximizing social media; Phase III (6 months December 2013- May 2014): Workshop 2, Road show, Visit local education institutes and communities, Practice and play a game with children, Establish children games community in respective area; and Phase IV (June – July 2014) Final practice / Rehearse for real time event, Campaign through social media, Launch module and video of traditional games, Real time event of playing traditional children's games from selected-and-represented areas of Indonesia.
 Total Funding Requested: $25,000.00

Setidaknya ada dua aspek yang akan saya share terkait proyek ini. Pertama tentang aspek pendidikan dan kedua tentang kesadaran terhadap khazanah tradisi, yaitu permainan anak tradisional Indonesia.

Aspek pendidikan menjadi salah satu pertanyaan teman saya, apakah bisa PlayPlus masuk ke ranah pendidikan/kurikulum atau ranah sekolah? Ini pertanyaan yang sebenarnya jika sudah membaca proposal di atas akan bisa meraba jawabannya. Tapi karena proposal PlayPlus sifanya tertutup dan hanya bisa diakses oleh lingkaran alumni saja di website State Alumni, maka dari itu saya memberanikan diri untuk share di sini.

Aspek pendidikan dari PlayPlus bagi saya adalah kesadaran tentang interaksi anak dengan sebayanya melalui media permainan (basis dunia anak-anak tentunya). Dalam proposal di atas jelas sekali disebutkan bahwa game online atau televisi yang sudah kadung digandrungi anak-anak generasi sekarang mengakibatkan—sederhananya—adalah lemahnya aspek interaktif dan hubungan emosional anak. Nah, PlayPlus digagas untuk memberikan alternatif dan tentu untuk mengajak anak-anak kembali terlibat/interaksi dengan sebayanya: bermain di lapangan terbuka dan saling mengenal satu sama lain.

Lalu bagaimana hubungannya dengan dunia pendidikan? Kalau yang disasar adalah kurikulum atau dunia sekolah PlayPlus tentu butuh kajian-kajian lebih lanjut. Namun jika kegiatan bermaian permainan tradisional diperkenalkan sebagai ekstra-kurikuler di sekolah, saya rasa bisa dilakukan secara lebih mudah. Ada contoh sekolah SMK di Depok yang sudah membuktikan kalaborasi permainan tradisional dalam ekstra-kulikuler mereka.

Demikian. Semoga bermanfaat.

Lebih lanjut kunjungi
YouTube PlayPlus INA
