Monday, January 31, 2011
Urat Leher: “Allahu Akbar”
Hari itu, Senin 31 Januari 2011, kasus Ariel Peterpan dengan video porno bersama Cut Tari dan Luna Maya memasuki babak putusan hakim di Pengadillan Tinggi Bandung. Ariel harus menerima kurungan 3,5 tahun, meski vokalis yang punya suara serak-khas itu masih punya hak untuk naik banding. Semua orang ramai berdatangan: para fans, handai tolan, kawan karib, dan para pendemo. Suara mereka terdengar riuh rendah—ada senyum sumbringah, harapan, dan kecemasan. Sesekali teriakan dengan urat leher yang menjilat ke luar terlontar dari luar gedung pengadilan.
Ariel yang sedang duduk di bangku pesakitan itu terlihat dengan sangat yakin. Senyum khasnya menyebar ke siapa pun yang sempat menjalin muka. Proses di pengadilan dengan pasal pornografi kepada Ariel adalah yang pertama, dan Ariel menjadi saksi sejarah terhadap Undang-Undang yang sempat molor dan kontroversi itu. Jelas ini pengadilan selebritis, artis, dan pablik figure—penuh gengsi dan perlu ditonton bagi yang menyukainya.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Betapa Tak Berartinya Rakyat Kecil di Negeri Ini!
--jangan halangi saya jika harus takut kepada negara sendiri!
Saya hanya bisa berkali-kali melongo dan tak percaya bahwa rakyat di negeri ini dianggap seperti sampah, tak berguna di mata pemerintah dan negara; mereka dibiarkan terbunuh begitu saja oleh berbagai macam kecelakaan karena keteledoran sistem yang digawangi manusia (human error), ataupun kecelakaan yang dibikin oleh pemerintah (apparatus state) sendiri, dan membiarkannya merajalela seperti skandal korupsi dan mafioso yang menggurita dan membunuh harapan mayoritas anak bangsa. Korupsi adalah kecelakaan sejarah paling fatal (lebih dari kriminal) yang—pelan-pelan tapi pasti—telah mengubur harapan masa depan bangsa ini.
Inilah negeri dengan seribu satu ragam bencana: bencana alam yang bertubi-tubi datang menggilas sendi-sendi tanah air dengan korban yang tak terhitung lagi; bencana kemanusiaan seperti korupsi dengan jumlah korban anak bangsa secara umum; dan “bencana pembiaran” seperti kerap menimpa alat-alat transportasi kita. Bencana terakhir adalah bencana kerena “ketidakacuhan” pemegang sistem tanah air tercinta ini. Orang-orang kecil yang menjadi korban bisanya hanya menjerit lantang dalam kekosongan realitas, karena jeritan mereka nyaris tanpa makna di mata negara dan pemerintahannya.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Pasar Malam (bukan) Sekaten
Setiap mendekati bulan Maulud, sebagai cara memhormati makna sebuah kelahiran: kelahiran Sang Utusan Muhammad SAW, Alun-Alun yang telah menjadi simbol kebesaran sejarah kerajaan di Yogyakarta itu pasti selalu ramai, dipadati bukan hanya oleh penduduk lokal setempat, tapi para pendatang dari luar daerah pun berjejalan bertandang menikmati khazanah kebesaran Yogyakarta di balik untaian tradisi.
Mengantarkan seorang teman asal Korea Selatan berkeliling Yogyakarta, dua Alun-Alun di Kota Yogyakarta selalu menjadi salah satu rujukan sebagai ruang pubik yang bisa mengakses “keterbukaan Yogyakarta” di samping desain arsitektur dan tata ruangnya yang memincut mata para pengunjung. Alasan ini menjadi keyakinan saya untuk mengenalkan sebuah tradisi yang saat-saat sekarang mengisi Alun-Alun Utara.
Untuk "Suatu" Metafora
(Catatan pendek penghantar diskusi Being Community)
“metaphor intrinsically transcendental”.
Frase di atas saya temukan dari buku History and Tropology: The Rise and Fall of Metaphor karya Ankersmit, F. R. Kalimat ini semakin menambah kurang paham saya ketika metafor dibaca dalam perspektif filsafat—seperti teman-teman Being mau—lengkap dengan sejarah, tokoh dan cabang ranah pemikirannya. Sejauh ini, sebagai penulis dan penyuka sastra (puisi), saya memperlakukan metafor sebagai alat untuk membebaskan dan menghadirkan imajinasi dalam puisi-puisi saya. Soal perspektif filsafatnya, biar Being nanti membingkainya dan teman-teman sendiri yang bertanggung jawab mempersoalkannya.
Merunut kepada F. R. Kalimat, metafor adalah proposing that we see one thing in terms of another, sebuah perangkat kata, frase, atau bahasa yang bisa menghantarkan makna yang mendua dan lebih. Apakah makna mendua tadi sebagai absurditas ataupun ambivalensi adalah bergantung kepada interpretasi-interpretasi yang hadir berikutnya. Yang jelas bahwa kehadiran makna yang terikat (meaning-governed) dan makna yang bisa dibuat (meaning-making) akan menjadi salah satu yang menyertai laku metafor.
“metaphor intrinsically transcendental”.
Frase di atas saya temukan dari buku History and Tropology: The Rise and Fall of Metaphor karya Ankersmit, F. R. Kalimat ini semakin menambah kurang paham saya ketika metafor dibaca dalam perspektif filsafat—seperti teman-teman Being mau—lengkap dengan sejarah, tokoh dan cabang ranah pemikirannya. Sejauh ini, sebagai penulis dan penyuka sastra (puisi), saya memperlakukan metafor sebagai alat untuk membebaskan dan menghadirkan imajinasi dalam puisi-puisi saya. Soal perspektif filsafatnya, biar Being nanti membingkainya dan teman-teman sendiri yang bertanggung jawab mempersoalkannya.
Merunut kepada F. R. Kalimat, metafor adalah proposing that we see one thing in terms of another, sebuah perangkat kata, frase, atau bahasa yang bisa menghantarkan makna yang mendua dan lebih. Apakah makna mendua tadi sebagai absurditas ataupun ambivalensi adalah bergantung kepada interpretasi-interpretasi yang hadir berikutnya. Yang jelas bahwa kehadiran makna yang terikat (meaning-governed) dan makna yang bisa dibuat (meaning-making) akan menjadi salah satu yang menyertai laku metafor.
Tentang Ingatan dan Ideologi
The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting” — Milan Kundera (The Book of Laughter and Forgetting).
Suatu bangsa mempunyai sebuah kekuatan yang tak gampang dilenyapkan, yaitu ingatan bersama (collective memory). Percaya atau tidak, ingatan akan selalu menjadi titik tolak kesadaran imperatif yang melekat dalam tindakan kehidupan suatu bangsa. Secara sosial-antropologis, ingatan bisa dikatakan sebagai hasil metamorfosa dari proses sosial budaya yang panjang, dari benih ideologi suatu negara secara umum, atau ia merupakan hasil konsensus masyarakat yang mereka tangkap bersama sebagai buah dari proses dan kontrak sosial politik. Ingatan bersama menjadi senjata dalam menciptakan gerakan sosial (social movement)—mulai dalam skala kecil hingga bernama revolusi—yang berdasarkan kepada kesadaran etis yang berkembang di suatu masyarakat-negara.
Bisa saja ingatan yang telah tertanam kuat dalam diri suatu bangsa sama sekali tidak mereka sadari secara kritis. Ingatan seperti itu lahir karena faktor kinerja ideologi yang teramat kuat sehingga cita-cita ideologi untuk membentuk kesadaran palsu bisa tercapai. Ini adalah ingatan semu yang sangat membahayakan dan mengancam prinsip integritas humanisme.
Suatu bangsa mempunyai sebuah kekuatan yang tak gampang dilenyapkan, yaitu ingatan bersama (collective memory). Percaya atau tidak, ingatan akan selalu menjadi titik tolak kesadaran imperatif yang melekat dalam tindakan kehidupan suatu bangsa. Secara sosial-antropologis, ingatan bisa dikatakan sebagai hasil metamorfosa dari proses sosial budaya yang panjang, dari benih ideologi suatu negara secara umum, atau ia merupakan hasil konsensus masyarakat yang mereka tangkap bersama sebagai buah dari proses dan kontrak sosial politik. Ingatan bersama menjadi senjata dalam menciptakan gerakan sosial (social movement)—mulai dalam skala kecil hingga bernama revolusi—yang berdasarkan kepada kesadaran etis yang berkembang di suatu masyarakat-negara.
Bisa saja ingatan yang telah tertanam kuat dalam diri suatu bangsa sama sekali tidak mereka sadari secara kritis. Ingatan seperti itu lahir karena faktor kinerja ideologi yang teramat kuat sehingga cita-cita ideologi untuk membentuk kesadaran palsu bisa tercapai. Ini adalah ingatan semu yang sangat membahayakan dan mengancam prinsip integritas humanisme.
Blog, Kopi, dan Ingatan-ingatan
Ibarat awan tebal menunggu hujan. Tentu tak bisa diganggu apalagi dihentikan untuk tidak turun hujan—jika tidak ingin kilat melesat dan membuncah di tengah langit yang gelap seperti itu. Awan adalah kebanggan dan sekaligus cita-cita bagi hujan yang hendak turun untuk bumi. Begitu juga, kiranya, keinginan saya melanjtukan kesukaan sebagai blogger—menuliskan kegelisahan demi kegelisahan, dan pikiran-pikiran yang bahkan berseberangan. Saya seperti hujan itu, saat ini, yang hendak melahirkan dan melejutkan sekian “nafsu” menulis.
Dahulu, saya sempat mengasuh blog demi blog—untuk pikiran-pikiran kecil saya—ada blogspot, multiply, dan wordpress. Tapi kesemuanya menguap begitu saja dan tak terurus. Teman-teman, sebagian, ada yang mengingatkan agar mengurus blog tersebut. Tapi karena beberapa hal, saya lalai mengasuhnya. Dan akhirnya menjadi kenangan!
Saya sering ngeblog di tengah genangan kopi di gelas, atau teh manis yang sabar menemani hingga dingin sekalipun. Karena kopi, atau entah kenapa, seorang penulis kerap kali melanjutkan pengembaraannya, tekun menuliskan pikiran-pikirannya. Dan tak jarang dari mereka menjadi karya besar yang diamini banyak orang. Saya hanya berharap, meski nanti tak ada kopi atau teh, pikiran saya bisa terus lahir dan menuliskannya sendiri—seberat apapun itu!
Sekarang, saya ingin menjaga ruang kecil ini, merawatnya dengan kesabaran dan ketekunan. Kisah-kisah perjalanan dan semua perspektif terhadap apapun yang saya baca akan menjadi bagian dari bunga rampai di sini, menjadi rampai bagi buah pikiran saya sendiri.
Saya tidak ingin sekali tulisan-tulisan saya dipuja hanya karena mentereng dan dipublikasikan di media yang bisa diakses mudah oleh masyarakat umum. Sementara tulisan-tulisan tersebut hanya berumur sekedar, dan bahkan temporal. Habis itu mati tak terlihat juntrungnya. Saya ingin jika suatu nanti, narasi kecil di balik bunga rampai pikiran ini terus lahir dengan sabar dan menuliskan kisahnya sendiri secara tenang dan bersahaja.
Sebagai bagian dari sebuah negeri yang besar, Indonesia, sebagai pemuda yang masih dibangga-banggakan oleh negeri ini, tak akan salah jika saya dan semua kawan-kawan menjadi bagian yang kreatif dalam melahirkan pemikiran-pemikiran positif bagi bangsa dan negara ke depan.
Akhirnya, di tengah bala bencana yang terus tak henti menerjang Indonesia, saya tetap ingin sekali mengucap bismillah, demi kedamaian negeri saya, dan kekuatan pikiran dan sikap yang dipunyainya ke depan.
Bismillah… mari kita menjadi bagian yang kreatif untuk bangsa dan negara ini…
Dahulu, saya sempat mengasuh blog demi blog—untuk pikiran-pikiran kecil saya—ada blogspot, multiply, dan wordpress. Tapi kesemuanya menguap begitu saja dan tak terurus. Teman-teman, sebagian, ada yang mengingatkan agar mengurus blog tersebut. Tapi karena beberapa hal, saya lalai mengasuhnya. Dan akhirnya menjadi kenangan!
Saya sering ngeblog di tengah genangan kopi di gelas, atau teh manis yang sabar menemani hingga dingin sekalipun. Karena kopi, atau entah kenapa, seorang penulis kerap kali melanjutkan pengembaraannya, tekun menuliskan pikiran-pikirannya. Dan tak jarang dari mereka menjadi karya besar yang diamini banyak orang. Saya hanya berharap, meski nanti tak ada kopi atau teh, pikiran saya bisa terus lahir dan menuliskannya sendiri—seberat apapun itu!
Sekarang, saya ingin menjaga ruang kecil ini, merawatnya dengan kesabaran dan ketekunan. Kisah-kisah perjalanan dan semua perspektif terhadap apapun yang saya baca akan menjadi bagian dari bunga rampai di sini, menjadi rampai bagi buah pikiran saya sendiri.
Saya tidak ingin sekali tulisan-tulisan saya dipuja hanya karena mentereng dan dipublikasikan di media yang bisa diakses mudah oleh masyarakat umum. Sementara tulisan-tulisan tersebut hanya berumur sekedar, dan bahkan temporal. Habis itu mati tak terlihat juntrungnya. Saya ingin jika suatu nanti, narasi kecil di balik bunga rampai pikiran ini terus lahir dengan sabar dan menuliskan kisahnya sendiri secara tenang dan bersahaja.
Sebagai bagian dari sebuah negeri yang besar, Indonesia, sebagai pemuda yang masih dibangga-banggakan oleh negeri ini, tak akan salah jika saya dan semua kawan-kawan menjadi bagian yang kreatif dalam melahirkan pemikiran-pemikiran positif bagi bangsa dan negara ke depan.
Akhirnya, di tengah bala bencana yang terus tak henti menerjang Indonesia, saya tetap ingin sekali mengucap bismillah, demi kedamaian negeri saya, dan kekuatan pikiran dan sikap yang dipunyainya ke depan.
Bismillah… mari kita menjadi bagian yang kreatif untuk bangsa dan negara ini…
Stuck in Nothingness
Since this morning I’ve been trapped in my messy-narrow room with many untidy books around me. It has been my habit since uncertain long time ago. I guessed it’s predestinate for me as guarantee to my whole life. I just follow my mind to be honest and patient among the silent space, read more books and write many ideas surrounding my mind.
I have learned from prominent writers such as Borges, Gabriel Garcia Marques or even to Marquis de Sade who lived in silence for long life, far away from reality, and they stuck in silence for their lifetime, yet the crowded people outside my room have walked along the way and have talked about nothingness—materialism, money, lust, and so on—by echo sounds which broke my ear down my floor tile.
I often talked to my computer and asked deeply about what is the life’s meaning for me, and also for those who are busy for their personal lives? Unfortunately, a lot of people I knew very well went to their personal and egoistic life day by day and they definitely never care of people in another side even in home country. Here or in another place is liberty, but there in outside of our rush life today is misery. They have no party but crying for their tomorrow’s life which is no hope anymore. They live in ruin and isolated place from any access to get on standard life.
It’s ambiguous side of me but utterly I like it so much. I was born to fight for their rights which are erased by person, people, and state.
In the end of this writing, I always claim “tomorrow is your time” my folks! Let’s stand up for your right!
I often talked to my computer and asked deeply about what is the life’s meaning for me, and also for those who are busy for their personal lives? Unfortunately, a lot of people I knew very well went to their personal and egoistic life day by day and they definitely never care of people in another side even in home country. Here or in another place is liberty, but there in outside of our rush life today is misery. They have no party but crying for their tomorrow’s life which is no hope anymore. They live in ruin and isolated place from any access to get on standard life.
It’s ambiguous side of me but utterly I like it so much. I was born to fight for their rights which are erased by person, people, and state.
In the end of this writing, I always claim “tomorrow is your time” my folks! Let’s stand up for your right!
DO-CI-RENG: The Youth’s Ways of Trauma Healing for The Child Victims
Mount Merapi, the most active of Indonesia’s 130 active volcanoes and has erupted regularly since 1548, had stopped erupting and spewing the materials and ashes on last one month. But the victims –people with lost homes, burned plantations, physical illnesses, and loss of beloved family members –are still being recovered by the government workers and volunteers to bring them back to normal life. The children, at-risk victims of each disaster like volcano eruption, are the core point of caring that should be thought out seriously because they have a bright future to generate the best achievements for my home country, Indonesia. Playing with them became our fresh idea to discuss with some friends in community of Jogja Peace Generation (JPG) to decide what the activity we should do then.
This idea of assisting the child victims of volcano eruption didn’t come in haste but I and several friends from the community had observed while distributing the supplies such as water, food, and blanket for the victims from several shelters in Yogyakarta and Magelang. As youth’s community with experienced members over seven years, JPG strongly understands what activity we might do for the children round of Mount Merapi, and name of Do.Ci.Reng (literally close to meaning “Cheerful Games with Peace Generation”) finally invites us to involve with children on December 2010.
Regarding the childhood phase, I could see a world with full of play as the basic rights options. This point of view was captured by JPG to carry out the programs which are comfortable for them in seven until twelve years old. We agree that play is very important in the learning and emotional development of all children. Considering the functions of play such as enhancing relationship and social skills and developing values and ethics, JPG organized the cheerful activities such as playing games, having funs with local wisdoms which are existing in their indigenous cultures and other educational aids.
The last statement of indigenous cultures and everything else correlated with the way of life is the particular thing to be conducted to children through this program. Our dictum speaks that “we don’t want to change their philosophy and local wisdoms they have”, but we just accompany them to have fun together in order to forget bad memories about volcano eruption which currently occurred to them. We were in one way to preserve local wisdom and indigenous culture, one of the JPG’s core values, to keep multiculturalism for diverse people. And the children, as we know, are an unparalleled asset of the future to run well all of their life’s philosophies and local indigenous in sustainability.
Finally, this program was designed definitely to come up the children’s hope which was conducted in the Gulon Village, Salam District, Ngersap, Magelang, Central Java. The members were approximately 150 children of Elementary School from five to twelve years old. We held this program every weekend on 4th to 5th, 11th to 12th, 18th to 10th of December 2010. Weekend is the finest time for children to play and spend much time to explore other ways of play which might not be practiced before. We brought myriad activities of plays and games based on their local indigenous, workshops, and creativity developments of which core values referred to multiculturalism educations, environmental cares, and locality preservation. Those programs could be classified into several themes, namely (1) for environment: coloring and drawing the used barrels for garbage bin, and planting seeds of chilly and tomato in the used mineral water bottles as the pot. We strongly guided them to reuse and recycle the myriad stuffs which could be used for them in their life; (2) for local indigenous: making “lidi puppet”, making origami based on local knowledge, and drawing a kite of hope by using the scissors, crayons, sticky tape, etc, and (3) for multiculturalism education and creativity: training of writing stories and poetries, workshop of making play and drama. Those activities did not include yet numerous local games and plays which became predominant ice breaking and main roles for each program.
First week was the first challenge, and I could say it’s not easier as I thought about, because we had to recognize the children’s mental and physical abilities and what ways of plays they always practice in field. Therefore, we sincerely need to adapt the children’s world with everything they used to do with their friends. After knowing their behavior little by little, we divided them into small groups consisting of 5 to 8 children for each group, then we invited to color a barrel to make a garbage bin. Coloring or drawing the object is a basic way of early childhood education. We freed the children to picture all things on their mind instead of specifying a theme about “Our Village”. Through this session, I found awesome moment indeed showed by the colorful barrels that represented their ambience and mood of feeling. They pictured all things: a mountain, river, tree, pile of stones, butterfly, and portrait of person which innocently spoke about their perception of the village and its life in general.
First week activities during two days had given a learning much about mental and physical abilities of children we would face on further activities. The second and the third weeks were the most important thing because those all are about local and traditional values of culture which engaged with the children for long years. “Lidi Puppet” spoke more about representation of Java’s traditional art performance. Actually, it’s not a real puppet but just a duplicate which learned the children about traditional arts and challenged their flair to be innovative and creative about traditional heritages. The “lidi puppet” was made from used newspaper and lidi (palm or coconut leaf rib).
Through the numerous activities, I learned a thousand wise things from children during these three weekends of play. I witnessed the experiences of working together among the children to reach a final goal of each program, how they relaxed in the cheerful time, how they innocently asked me and my friends to serve as special, and how they behaved spoiled way to catch my attention. In the end of those program, I think how easy to warmly make friend with them like in one family where we loved each other. From their eyes, I could see the happiness, hopes, and cheerful moments even though they were subjected firsthand to the disaster.
I called them as Do.Ci.Reng troops (Laskar Do.Ci.Reng) for both the children and JPG’s volunteers to have friendly and joking fun. We will come back to that place and meet the Do.Ci.Reng troops as our follow up and commitments in advance.
This idea of assisting the child victims of volcano eruption didn’t come in haste but I and several friends from the community had observed while distributing the supplies such as water, food, and blanket for the victims from several shelters in Yogyakarta and Magelang. As youth’s community with experienced members over seven years, JPG strongly understands what activity we might do for the children round of Mount Merapi, and name of Do.Ci.Reng (literally close to meaning “Cheerful Games with Peace Generation”) finally invites us to involve with children on December 2010.
Regarding the childhood phase, I could see a world with full of play as the basic rights options. This point of view was captured by JPG to carry out the programs which are comfortable for them in seven until twelve years old. We agree that play is very important in the learning and emotional development of all children. Considering the functions of play such as enhancing relationship and social skills and developing values and ethics, JPG organized the cheerful activities such as playing games, having funs with local wisdoms which are existing in their indigenous cultures and other educational aids.
The last statement of indigenous cultures and everything else correlated with the way of life is the particular thing to be conducted to children through this program. Our dictum speaks that “we don’t want to change their philosophy and local wisdoms they have”, but we just accompany them to have fun together in order to forget bad memories about volcano eruption which currently occurred to them. We were in one way to preserve local wisdom and indigenous culture, one of the JPG’s core values, to keep multiculturalism for diverse people. And the children, as we know, are an unparalleled asset of the future to run well all of their life’s philosophies and local indigenous in sustainability.
Finally, this program was designed definitely to come up the children’s hope which was conducted in the Gulon Village, Salam District, Ngersap, Magelang, Central Java. The members were approximately 150 children of Elementary School from five to twelve years old. We held this program every weekend on 4th to 5th, 11th to 12th, 18th to 10th of December 2010. Weekend is the finest time for children to play and spend much time to explore other ways of play which might not be practiced before. We brought myriad activities of plays and games based on their local indigenous, workshops, and creativity developments of which core values referred to multiculturalism educations, environmental cares, and locality preservation. Those programs could be classified into several themes, namely (1) for environment: coloring and drawing the used barrels for garbage bin, and planting seeds of chilly and tomato in the used mineral water bottles as the pot. We strongly guided them to reuse and recycle the myriad stuffs which could be used for them in their life; (2) for local indigenous: making “lidi puppet”, making origami based on local knowledge, and drawing a kite of hope by using the scissors, crayons, sticky tape, etc, and (3) for multiculturalism education and creativity: training of writing stories and poetries, workshop of making play and drama. Those activities did not include yet numerous local games and plays which became predominant ice breaking and main roles for each program.
First week was the first challenge, and I could say it’s not easier as I thought about, because we had to recognize the children’s mental and physical abilities and what ways of plays they always practice in field. Therefore, we sincerely need to adapt the children’s world with everything they used to do with their friends. After knowing their behavior little by little, we divided them into small groups consisting of 5 to 8 children for each group, then we invited to color a barrel to make a garbage bin. Coloring or drawing the object is a basic way of early childhood education. We freed the children to picture all things on their mind instead of specifying a theme about “Our Village”. Through this session, I found awesome moment indeed showed by the colorful barrels that represented their ambience and mood of feeling. They pictured all things: a mountain, river, tree, pile of stones, butterfly, and portrait of person which innocently spoke about their perception of the village and its life in general.
First week activities during two days had given a learning much about mental and physical abilities of children we would face on further activities. The second and the third weeks were the most important thing because those all are about local and traditional values of culture which engaged with the children for long years. “Lidi Puppet” spoke more about representation of Java’s traditional art performance. Actually, it’s not a real puppet but just a duplicate which learned the children about traditional arts and challenged their flair to be innovative and creative about traditional heritages. The “lidi puppet” was made from used newspaper and lidi (palm or coconut leaf rib).
Through the numerous activities, I learned a thousand wise things from children during these three weekends of play. I witnessed the experiences of working together among the children to reach a final goal of each program, how they relaxed in the cheerful time, how they innocently asked me and my friends to serve as special, and how they behaved spoiled way to catch my attention. In the end of those program, I think how easy to warmly make friend with them like in one family where we loved each other. From their eyes, I could see the happiness, hopes, and cheerful moments even though they were subjected firsthand to the disaster.
I called them as Do.Ci.Reng troops (Laskar Do.Ci.Reng) for both the children and JPG’s volunteers to have friendly and joking fun. We will come back to that place and meet the Do.Ci.Reng troops as our follow up and commitments in advance.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Dari Nirmala hingga Columbia
Suasana pagi di hari pertama, dari ketinggian lantai 9 Cliff Apartment, salah satu apartemen terkenal untuk mahasiswa asing (international students) di lingkungan University of South Carolina, saya menabur pandang ke hamparan gedung-gedung universitas yang megah dan rapih ditumbuhi pohon-pohon oak, magnolia, crepe myrtle dan dogwood. Maklum jika hari pertama ini serasa dalam mimpi bagi saya sebagai orang kampung yang bahkan tak kenal listrik selama masa kecilnya. Saya membatin, bahwa sebentar lagi saya akan segera merasakan iklim intelektual dan akademik dari sebuah perguruan tinggi negeri yang terkenal di negara bagian selatan (southern) Amerika Serikat, South Carolina। Saya akan menghapuskan semua rasa penasaran tentang Amerika dan orang-orangnya yang terlanjur menggaung nyaring di tanah airku.
Saya sekarang sudah benar-benar menginjakkan kaki di sebuah negeri adidaya yang selalu mengusik sejak saya masih di bangku MTs (sederajat SMP), terutama ketika saya membaca karya sastra orang-orang besar seperti novel Uncle Tom's Cabin karya masterpiece Harriet Beecher Stowe, buku-buku petualangan Mark Twain, hingga cerpen-cerpen terjemahan karya Ernest Hemingway. Program beasiswa IELSP (Indonesian English Language Study Program) dari IIEF (The Indonesian International Education Foundation) untuk belajar bahasa dan budaya (culture programs) selama dua bulan—Juni sampai Juli 2010—ternyata telah mengabulkan mimpi saya ke Amerika.
Saya sekarang sudah benar-benar menginjakkan kaki di sebuah negeri adidaya yang selalu mengusik sejak saya masih di bangku MTs (sederajat SMP), terutama ketika saya membaca karya sastra orang-orang besar seperti novel Uncle Tom's Cabin karya masterpiece Harriet Beecher Stowe, buku-buku petualangan Mark Twain, hingga cerpen-cerpen terjemahan karya Ernest Hemingway. Program beasiswa IELSP (Indonesian English Language Study Program) dari IIEF (The Indonesian International Education Foundation) untuk belajar bahasa dan budaya (culture programs) selama dua bulan—Juni sampai Juli 2010—ternyata telah mengabulkan mimpi saya ke Amerika.