Saturday, February 05, 2011
DPR Menyandra
Versi lain dari tulisan ini ada di Suara Merdeka
Awalnya, saya tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa drama di pagi itu, 31 Januari 2011, akan benar-benar terjadi di depan mata saya. Meskipun saya tidak bisa cepat percaya kepada setiap “koar-moar” wakil rakyat (DPR) di Gedung Senayang sana, drama itu tidak bisa tidak telah mencuri perhatian saya. Beberapa saat, saya hanya bisa bergumam bahwa anggota DPR masih belum—sepenuhnya—mengajarkan praktik berdemokrasi yang substansial bagi bangsa dan negara di mana kepentingan rakyat menjadi aras utama di balik terciptanya lembaga ini. DPR di tanah air ini justru menjadi tangan pertama bagi terselenggaranya kekuatan dan kepentingan ekonomi yang mendomplang secara nyata kepada dunia politik, di samping itu manuver nafsu kekuasaan masih mewarnai cara kita berdemokrasi. Sehingga setiap poin persoalan selalu menjadi bola pingpong yang bisa digadang ke sana ke mari. Jarang menemui titik cerna hukum yang berkeadilan!
Ini bukti salah satunya. Kemarin, 31 Januari, kita disuguhi sebuah drama politik baru yang dimainkan oleh wakil rakyat di Komisi III DPR. Sasarannya adalah Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi yang ditolak kehadiarannya—karena Bibit Samad Rianto dan Chandra M Hamzah, sebagai tersangka yang sudah di-deponeering oleh Kejaksaan Agung ikut hadir—dalam rapat konsolidasi antara Komisi III dengan KPK.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Rakyat yang Dijual
[Mengintip Mesir]
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taken form google |
Rakyat akan selalu bernasib celaka di tengah-tengah penguasanya yang lalim. Mereka dibeli, lalu diadu domba sesama rakyat kecil. Luka dan darah pun tumpah ruah di tengah penderitaan mereka sendiri. Tak ada yang lebih kelam selain ketidakpastiaan harapan bagi masa depan bangsa mereka, yang kini tercabik dalam sobekan-sobekan kepentingan.
Negara dan kekuasaan yang telah menggadaikan rakyatnya pada akhirnya akan terperosok di titik nadir!
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Have You Got Drunk?
Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those who kindly reprove thy faults.
It was such a weird day for me after taking apart in applying for a job as editor on the publication house. I was asked by friends to apply for that job as my other experiences in having a part-time job like this and I nodded, convincing myself about it, as I had worked for the same in many times. So, expanding to another part of the experiences is one of the passionate thing to do. I never hesitate to try the new thing in my lifetime!
I didn’t have any special preparation at all but just a CV and statement letter required by the institution for the applicant. I completed it then coming over to the office. Shaking hand and saying something with the officer to ensure myself as the applicant. I kept quieting for a minute while waiting for the other instruction to do by my application or another stuff to complete. Yes, that’s true. Someone coming to me brought me a form of the official statement for appliers who are interested In the job. I received it calmly then completing it in the table of narrow waiting room. Name, place and birthday, address, educations, and work experiences were completed in hurry. I moved on the bottom line of the form. I found the freaking question I didn’t find it ever.
After asking me about my religion, it bombarded me about another question still related to religion. Do You Keep Praying? The answers listed are: a). routine, b). sometimes, c). ever, and d). never. I stuck in my sensory perception for while, thinking hard to answer the proper one. I am not a routine prayer of five-times prays in a day thought I try to obey it since I never put my deed of religion in haste or ignorance. But, I'm a human being with disability and limited will. I shortly chose “b” to convince myself. The game was not over since I had to finish another question.
Have You Got Drunk? That's the hard one but it actually was easier to answer. I didn’t need to take a time to finish it. The answers listed are a). never tried and b). have tired. I chose “b”. Then, the form was completed!
I kept thinking on my mind to know how urgent the religion is for the people. Yes, I said to myself who was born in and for my religion to keep it real until the day after. It was not religious on the paper I need, otherwise I am eager to see all people behaving in values of the religion as routine so that the harmony and peace will be reached and functioned in this life.
Finally I stepped out from the office, ensuring the institution’s affiliation by gazing the billboard embedded on the wall. Then I thought it out. Yes, I went away by motorcycle as if I did wronged activity for the day. It was sucked!