Ziarah ke Museum of Innocence

Kemal menemukan kebahagian mencintai seorang Füsun dengan segenap warna dan misteri.

Saat itu ibuku menangis

Buat kakakku Hermanto Junaidi yang sedang damai bersemayam di bawah pohon ketapang, tempat aku selalu menjengukmu, saat pulang, atau saat pergi sekalipun.

Indeks Perdamaian Kota Itu Perlu

By measuring the state of peace, we can further our understanding of the social, political and economic factors that help develop more peaceful environments

Tentang Ingatan dan Ideologi

The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting” — Milan Kundera (The Book of Laughter and Forgetting).

A Journey: from Border to Border

Midyat is one of a must visited historical places in Mardin beside Old Mardin. Overall this city is cited as paths of the early civilizations named Mesopotamia or far before it—if we talked about Christianity and Jews history as well for its strategic location with rocky hill and plain near the Tigris River.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Together to Spend the State’s Budget In the Year-End!

taken from the ceremony
Am I a corruptor? Don’t answer yes or no before capturing this note below. It's actually done after the case but I kept it on my file-shelf to fit a good time to publish.   

Having had long and exhausted trip to spend 2011 new year holiday with my Peace Generation friends—staying awake for whole night on shore, playing games, singing, dancing together, also grasping and praying for our hopes in one year ahead—I got my body lay down on bed for about half of the day, January 1, 2011. On that day I was utterly wearied of doing everything and wanted to make free of my body and feelings for stalking a new spirit of tomorrow. Yeah, I dedicated that day for only taking a rest.

Sapi Australia, Rakyat Indonesia

diambil dari perjalanan Melbourne-Shepparton
(versi lain dari tulisan ini ada di Jurnal Nasional)

Dalam kunjungan saya selama dua minggu di Australia, ada yang benar-benar berbeda dan membikin saya berpikir lebih dalam lagi soal harga diri dan nilai tawar sebuah bangsa, dan tentu dengan peran negara yang menyanggah dan mewadahi martabat mereka di mata negara lain. Dalam konteks ini, saya benar-benar terhenyak mendengar dan menyaksikan sendiri kehebohan rakyat Australia terhadap kekejaman rumah pemotongan hewan (RPH) Indonesia terhadap sapi-sapi ekspor dari Negeri Kangguru itu.